§ 3-1. Compensation
The term "Compensation" refers to base salary and other forms of compensation to include, but not limited to, fringe benefits such as paid leaves, insurance, retirement pensions, incentive plans, and paid holidays. The Compensation Plan shall strive for fair market compensation in terms of service provided to the community for resources expended.
Purpose and Policy
It is the policy of the City to establish a compensation system that will allow the City, within budgetary constraints, to effectively compete for qualified personnel and to ensure that salaries are equitable and commensurate with the duties performed by each employee.
Salary Plan
A salary plan shall be prepared and reviewed by the City Manager, and approved in the budget by the City Commission, and shall apply to all employees not covered by a labor contract. Employees covered by a labor contract shall be compensated as referenced in their respective agreements. A copy of the current salary plan shall be on file in the Human Resource Office.
Maintenance of the Salary Plan
The Human Resource Department shall be responsible for the maintenance and administration of the City's Salary Plan. Any recommended changes shall be presented to the Department Director and the City Manager for approval.
Standards for Development of the Salary and Compensation Plan
The Compensation Pay Plan is directly tied to the Classification Plan and is determined on the basis of:
Uniformity of pay for each class.
Relative difficulty and responsibility of positions.
Prevailing wages within the identified relevant public and private sector markets.
Cost of living index.
Financial policies of the municipality.
Difficulty in recruiting suitable employees.
Other economic considerations.
Classification Plan
Positions that require similar qualifications and similar duties and responsibilities are assigned to the same salary level. The City may conduct periodic studies to determine if an employee is working above or below the responsibility level for that position. Where unusual conditions exist that affect the market value of a position, the salary may be adjusted accordingly by the City Manager.
Classification and Re-Classification of Positions. An internal and external analysis will be conducted by Human Resources for any new position or existing position that has experienced significant changes in duties or qualification requirements. Human Resources will provide a recommendation to the Department Director and City Manager for approval.
Compensation System
Entry Level Pay Rates
The entry level rate is the minimum rate in the pay grade for the position. A Department Director, subject to approval by the City Manager, may recommend for appointment, a candidate above the entry level rate, to the midpoint of the pay grade if:
There are a limited number of qualified applicants available at the entry level, or
The applicant has exceptional qualifications.
Above the mid-point if:
Multiple recruitments have failed to yield a qualified candidate, or
The applicant has qualifications which are unique or critical, or
A survey of the market reveals that the City is not competitive.
Pay Rate Adjustments
Pay rate adjustments shall be administered as follows:
Seasonal employees promoting from seasonal to regular status shall start at the entry rate of the new position;
Entry level pay rate section may be applied when deemed appropriate by the City Manager.
Transfers. When an employee is transferred (reassigned) from one position to another within the same pay grade he or she shall continue to receive the same base rate of pay. Employees moving from a non-exempt position to an exempt position will receive:
Five (5) percent increase if moving from a non-exempt to an exempt position.
Promotions. A promotion is defined as an assignment from one grade to another, which has a higher maximum rate of pay and greater responsibility. The employee will receive the higher of:
Ten (10) percent when the new position is at least one salary grade higher, or
Fifteen (15) percent when the new position is at least two (2) or more salary grades higher, or
Fifteen (15) percent if moving from a non-exempt to a higher exempt position, or
Five (5) percent above the minimum of the new pay grade, provided the employee has successfully completed their initial probationary period.
The new pay rate, upon promotion, shall not exceed the maximum of the new pay range.
Reclassification. Reclassification is the reassignment of a position from one class to a different class to recognize a significant change in the duties and responsibilities of the position. For an upward reclassification the percentage increase will be the higher of:
Ten (10) percent when the new position is at least one salary grade higher, or
Fifteen (15) percent when the new position is at least two (2) or more salary grades higher, or
Fifteen (15) percent if moving from a non-exempt to a higher exempt position, or
Five (5) percent above the minimum of the new pay grade, provided the employee has successfully completed their initial probationary period.
For a downward reclassification the affected employee shall remain at their current base salary rate. However, the employee will not be eligible for any salary increase, other than an across the board increase, until their current base salary is within the range of the new pay grade.
Demotion. The placement of an employee from one class to another which has a lower pay rate or grade, resulting in a decrease in pay. In the case of a demotion, the employee's base salary shall be adjusted at the lower of:
Ten (10) percent when the new position is at least one salary grade lower, or
Fifteen (15) percent when the new position is two (2) or more salary grades lower, or
Fifteen (15) percent if moving from an exempt to a lower non-exempt position, or
The maximum base salary of the new pay grade.
An employees pay when an in-voluntary movement to a lower pay grade occurs will be evaluated based on the extenuating circumstances surrounding the reason for the pay grade change.
An employee transferring or demoting back to their previous position will receive their final salary in that previous position, plus any across the board increases applied since the employee moved from that position.
Additional Compensation
The City Manager may recommend additional forms of compensation in addition to the Salary Plan in the best interest of the City and within the amounts approved in the budget by the City Commission. The manner in which the award of additional compensation is to be determined will be outlined in writing by the City Manager and maintained in the Human Resource Department.
Cost of Living
Cost-of-living adjustments/salary modifications may be granted by the City Manager when authorized by the City Commission. If granted, they are effective the first day of the first pay-period that is subsequently paid in the new fiscal year.
Pay Increases
Pay increase requests for non-represented employees shall generally be required during the budget process for the following budget year. Merit based and other increases are limited to the approved departmental budget, and are subject to the availability of funds. Other pay increases occurring during the fiscal year will be effective the first full pay period following approval. Employees covered by a labor contract shall be compensated as referenced in their respective agreements.
Overtime/Compensatory Time
Overtime and Compensatory time will be paid in accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act. A maximum limit of compensatory time may be set by the City Manager, not to exceed the rate set by local, state, or federal law. Exempt employees are not eligible for overtime pay, and will be paid in accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act.
Responsibilities and Authority to Approve Overtime/Compensatory Time
Employees may not work beyond their scheduled hours without prior approval from their Department Director or their designee. This written approval will be on an exception report form or other standard City forms within the work week. Department Directors are responsible for the accurate recording of all overtime and compensatory time on the employee's exception report. Accrued compensation time shall be utilized prior to accrued PTO, unless otherwise approved by the Department Director. Overtime and compensatory time will be administered in accordance with local, state, and federal laws.
When allowed by law, Department Directors may utilize compensatory time off in order to conserve their budgeted overtime for emergencies. Compensatory time accrued must be taken by the last day of the next to the last pay period of the fiscal year, unless otherwise approved by the City Manager, or the employee will be paid out for the compensatory time he/she has accrued. Employees will be paid for all compensatory time they have earned and not used at the time of termination or fiscal year end.
Premium Pay
Time worked on specific projects, emergencies, or grant funded projects may be paid at a premium rate of time and a half the regular rate at the discretion of the City Manager prior to overtime pay being required by law.
Compensation for Temporary Acting Assignment
When an employee is assigned to fulfill the duties and responsibilities in a higher classification or duties given as a special assignment, on a temporary basis, he or she shall be paid additional compensation either at a rate equal to the starting salary of the higher classification or given a ten percent (10%) increase, whichever is greater. The preceding provision shall not apply to those circumstances where a person is temporarily assigned to fulfill the duties and responsibilities of a Department Director. Instead, the employee shall be paid additional compensation either at a rate equal to the starting salary of the directors position or given a fifteen percent (15%) increase, whichever is greater. This section shall not apply to the position of acting, temporary, or interim City Manager. Internal equity may be considered. The compensation paid to any individual serving in such a capacity shall be fixed by the City Commission.
When an employee is temporarily assigned a project or task outside of the scope of their current position, and is not fulfilling the capacity of a vacant position, the employee will receive overlay pay at a rate to be determined by the City Manager. This provision does not apply to assigned tasks that qualify as "other duties as assigned."
For the purpose of this section, temporary is defined as a period of time in excess of thirty (30) calendar days.
When the temporary acting assignment is complete, the employee's salary shall revert to the previous level.
If an employee separates from employment, either voluntarily or involuntarily, or as the result of a retirement, while temporarily assigned to a higher classification or as a Department Director, any accrual payouts made in conjunction with the separation, retirement, or PTO Conversion shall be calculated and paid without the additional rate of the temporary or acting pay or salary.
Holiday Pay
When a non-exempt employee works on the actual holiday, the employee shall be compensated at a holiday pay rate for all hours worked on the actual holiday. All time worked on actual holidays will be paid at one and one half (1 ½) times the normal hourly rate, in addition to the holiday leave pay if applicable. For example, if Christmas Day is Sunday and the City observes the holiday on Monday, the employee who is scheduled to work on Sunday, the ACTUAL holiday, will receive the holiday pay rate of one and half (1 ½) times the normal hourly rate. The employee who works on Monday, the observed holiday, will receive the eight (8) hours of holiday leave pay and regular pay for the time they work on the observed holiday.
In cases where an employee works both the actual holiday and the City observed holiday, only the actual holiday will be considered a holiday for the purposes of using the holiday pay rate.
The starting date of employees' shifts will be used to determine whether the employee worked the holiday. For example, if an employee's shift begins at 7:00 p.m. on Christmas Eve and continues through 7:00 a.m. on Christmas morning, they will not be considered to have worked the holiday. If the employee works from 7:00 p.m. on Christmas Day to 7:00 a.m. on December 26th, they will be considered to have worked the holiday for the entire shift.
See Section 5-16. Paid Holidays for a list of City observed holidays.
Bi-Lingual Pay
Regular non-exempt employees may be compensated at a rate of $.26 per hour for their bilingual abilities based on the following conditions:
The language is recognized by the City Manager as adding to the increased productivity and efficiency of the City.
Must prove proficiency by meeting the standards established and administered by the Human Resources Department.
Employee will be available during work hours to translate when requested by City personnel.
If the need for the ability exists and the Departmental budget allows for the additional costs, as determined by the Department Director.
Bilingual pay may be removed at any time when determined to be in the best interest of the City as determined by the City Manager.
Exempt employees are not eligible for this benefit.
Wage Garnishments and Assignments
It is the policy of the City to comply with all lawful claims against the wages of our employees, such as garnishments, assignments, and child support orders.
In accordance with applicable federal and state laws, corrective action may not be taken against any individual whose wages have been garnished or assigned. When the City receives a garnishment or assignment, the Finance Department will be responsible for informing the employee of the notice received, and will maintain such records.
Pay Days
Paychecks shall be issued bi-weekly, on Thursday, or as designated by the City Manager. A payroll period consists of two calendar weeks from Sunday midnight to Sunday midnight, or the end of the shift in progress at that time.
Work Week
Except as otherwise provided by a labor agreement, the Department Director shall assign the work day. The workweek shall be a seven (7) day period beginning on Monday at 12:01 a.m. and continuing through Sunday at midnight. This regulation does not apply to employees who are FLSA "exempt."
The City Manager has the authority to establish work periods that are within the Fair Labor Standards Act. These periods will be in writing by the City Manager and maintained in the Human Resource Department.
Time Clock
Non-exempt employees will clock in and out at their scheduled time.
Falsification of time records including, but not limited to clocking in/out for a coworker is a breach of this policy. Any errors or accidental omissions must be documented on an exception report and signed by the employee, the supervisor, and the Department Director.
Department Directors have overall responsibility for the timely and accurate submission of employee time through the City's timekeeping system. Actual time entry may be delegated to a department employee.
(Ord. No. 1547 , 1-19-18)