§ 4-15. Corrective Action Procedures
It shall be the policy of the City to administer corrective action fairly, reasonably, and impartially. Employees and the City are best served when corrective action is administered to correct actions rather than to punish.
Grounds for Corrective Action
The continued employment of City employees shall be based on reasonable standards of job performance and personal and professional conduct. Refusal to meet these standards or comply with City policies shall constitute just cause for corrective action including, but not limited to Alternative Dispute Resolution, verbal or written reprimands, suspensions, demotions, termination, arrest, and/or prosecution.
Type of Action Administered
Corrective action is not primarily intended to be punitive, but rather to maintain the efficiency and integrity of City service. The degree of corrective action administered will depend on the nature and severity of the infraction and the employee's prior record. Management has the right to bypass the progressive discipline process. Corrective action shall be in accordance with any applicable City policies and procedures as well as local, state, and federal laws and regulations.
It is the responsibility of each supervisor and department head to evaluate thoroughly the circumstances and facts as objectively as possible, follow the corrective action procedures outlined herein, and apply the most suitable form of corrective action.
The Corrective Action form is required for all corrective actions.
See Section 1-15. for Alternative Dispute Resolution information.
Corrective Action Procedures
Depending on the type of action administered, there are different procedures required for issuing corrective action. Some of these procedures are required by law.
In any major corrective action, the pertinent information shall be reviewed with the employee specifying the following: The cause for discipline, the specific reasons supporting the cause, the discipline to be imposed, the effective date, and the right of the employee to be heard.
Corrective actions in the form of verbal warnings and written reprimands are the responsibility of each supervisor and do not require intervention by the Human Resources Department. Supervisors shall inform the Department Director of verbal warnings and written reprimands given and the procedure outlined in the Verbal Warning and Written Reprimand section(s) will be followed.
All corrective actions involving suspensions without pay, demotions, or termination require consultation with the Human Resource Director prior to corrective action being administered to ensure actions are being administered fairly, consistently, and in compliance with applicable laws.
Verbal Warning
This type of corrective action should be applied to infractions of a relatively minor degree or in situations where the employee's performance needs to be discussed. The verbal warning should be given in private, and the reason and date for the warning documented in writing. Supervisors should inform the employee that the supervisor is issuing a verbal warning, that the employee is being given an opportunity to correct the condition, and if the condition is not corrected, the person will be subject to more severe corrective action. Records of verbal warnings will be kept by the supervisor or manager. A documented verbal may be used as a basis for further progressive discipline.
Written Reprimand
This notice will be issued in the event the employee continues to disregard a verbal warning or if the infraction is severe enough to warrant a written reprimand.
The reprimand shall state:
• the nature of the infraction;
• what action must be taken by the employee to avoid further corrective action, up to and including termination;
• when correction of the infraction is expected;
• policies or procedures violated; and
• and what the employee's rights are in the corrective action process.
A copy of the written reprimand is to be given to the employee at the time of the discussion of the corrective action. The employee shall sign the written reprimand to acknowledge receipt. A copy, signed by the employee, will be forwarded to the Human Resource Department and placed in the employee's personnel file. If the employee refuses to sign the acknowledgment, then the supervisor and one other witness, of a supervisory capacity, shall note on the reprimand that the employee received a copy thereof and refused to sign it.
Suspension Without Pay
The Department Director may take this form of corrective action only after consultation with the Human Resource Director as a result of a severe infraction of policies or for repeated violations. Suspensions shall not exceed thirty (30) work days.
FLSA exempt employees may be suspended for one (1) or more full days for infractions of City of Alamogordo Ordinances, Citywide and Departmental policies and procedures, and any applicable laws regulated by an outside authority.
Suspensions Pending Investigation
An employee may be suspended in cases where it is necessary to investigate a situation to determine what corrective action may be justified. This suspension gives the supervisor the opportunity to investigate the situation when it is serious enough for the employee to be removed from the work environment. Investigatory suspensions may be with or without pay. If after the investigation, it is determined that the employee was not guilty of any violation, the employee will be returned to work, paid for any lost time, and cleared of all charges. If, however, the employee is found in violation, then the appropriate corrective action may take effect on the date that the suspension began.
Demotion may be used in those instances where an employee is unwilling or unable to perform the responsibilities of the position. Demotion is not to be used as a substitute for dismissal, when dismissal is warranted.
The pay rate of an employee who is demoted may be reduced to the appropriate rate of the new pay grade of the position into which the employee is demoted.
Involuntary Termination
Employees may be recommended for termination in instances involving, but not limited to, insubordination, theft, illegal or destructive acts. An involuntary termination will require the Human Resource Director consultation prior to being administered by the Department Director. An employee may also be dismissed after repeated offenses of a less serious nature if the supervisor has documented the offenses and appropriate behavioral changes have not resulted from previous corrective action.
Probationary employees may be terminated at any time and may not appeal this action.
Informal Appeal
Written reprimands may be appealed informally to the employee's Department Director. The employee must present a written appeal to his or her department Director within seven (7) calendar days of the disciplinary action. The Director shall attempt to resolve the matter within seven (7) calendar days after it has been presented to him or her. The decision of the Department Director shall be final. Verbal warnings cannot be appealed informally.
Pre-Disciplinary Hearing Process
A pre-disciplinary hearing shall be made available to any employee who will be subject to a demotion, suspension without pay, or termination. The pre-disciplinary hearing process shall be as follows:
An employee shall be provided, in writing, with a notice citing the specific incidents constituting just cause; citing the violation of any statute, ordinance, rule or policy; provide an explanation of the documentation, evidence and/or facts relied upon by the department; specify the contemplated disciplinary action; and state that the employee has seven (7) calendar days from service of the notice of contemplated disciplinary action to respond in writing as to why the proposed action should not be taken, or to request a pre-disciplinary hearing with the Department Director for that same purpose. A request for a pre-disciplinary hearing will not preclude the employee from submitting his or her written version and mitigating evidence to the Department Director no later than the start of the pre-disciplinary hearing.
If the proposed discipline is termination, the employee is not eligible for administrative leave with pay during the pre-disciplinary process. However, if the Director does not uphold the proposed termination, the employee will be back-paid for this period.
If the employee requests a pre-disciplinary hearing, the Human Resources Director shall arrange for a hearing before the Department Director, within seven (7) calendar days, and prior to imposing the corrective action. Union represented employees shall have the right to union representation at the pre-disciplinary hearing. The pre-disciplinary hearing is non-adversarial and, if the employee has a person accompany him or her to the hearing, that person is not entitled to be an advocate.
The department's pre-disciplinary notice provided to the employee prior to the hearing shall be sufficient to apprise the employee of the basis for the proposed disciplinary action. Reliance upon the contents of the pre-disciplinary notice shall not limit the City at subsequent hearings from presenting witnesses testimony and additional documentation not submitted prior to or during the pre-disciplinary hearing. The purpose of a pre-disciplinary hearing is to give the employee the opportunity to respond to the pre-disciplinary notice and to provide information why the proposed action should not be taken. The rules of evidence shall not apply to the pre-disciplinary hearing, nor are there specific procedural regulations for the conduct of the hearing. Additionally, the hearing shall not be recorded by audio or visual equipment nor should there be any attempt to make a verbatim record of the proceedings.
Should the Department Director determine to discipline following the pre-disciplinary hearing, written notice of discipline shall be given to the employee. In any case, a written response will be provided to the employee within seven (7) calendar days. Such notice shall include a general statement of the findings of the hearing and notice of the employee's right to appeal to the City Manager. If the sustained discipline is termination, the termination well be effective upon notice being given to the employee. All other corrective actions will be imposed as described in the notice, unless the employee and Department Director otherwise agree.
Nothing in these procedures is designed to supersede or prevent an employee from availing himself or herself of the City's grievance procedure.
Formal Appeal
Any employee who is disciplined following the pre-disciplinary hearing may appeal the decision of the Department Director to the City Manager. This formal appeal must be filed within seven (7) calendar days of receipt of the decision of the Department Director. The City Manager shall schedule a hearing within seven (7) calendar days of receipt of the appeal from the employee. The employee may have legal counsel and or witnesses at the hearing to present evidence that support the appeal, but must notify the Human Resource Director that they intend to do so at least two (2) business days before the hearing. The Formal Appeal Hearing shall be recorded as a verbatim record of the proceedings. The City Manager must render a written decision within seven (7) calendar days following the hearing. The decision of the City Manager will be final and binding. Should a termination result, the termination date will be the same date as determined by the Director following the pre-disciplinary hearing. If a decision to terminate is over turned, administrative pay will be paid.
Extension of Time Limits
Any of the time limits in the corrective action procedure may be extended upon mutual agreement. However, if no action is taken within one (1) calendar year from the date of the appeal to the Department Director or the City Manager the Appeal will be considered closed and the action upheld.
(Ord. No. 1547 , 1-19-18)