§ 4-16. Grievance Process  

Latest version.
  • It is the policy of the City to afford all employees a means of obtaining further consideration of problems when they remain unresolved at the supervisory level, and to establish policies and procedures that provide for timely resolution of grievances. Included below is a preliminary step which encourages, whenever possible, the use of mediation to resolve conflict. This step is intended to urge the consideration of the option of mediation, but in no way limits or preempts other remedies to which employees and the City are entitled by law. Whenever possible and appropriate, the employee considering filing a grievance may file a request for mediation with the Human Resources Department prior to initiating the grievance process outlined below. When mediation is pursued, participation in such session will be limited to the two parties involved and the mediator. Other parties may be included, exclusive of any representative or attorney, at the discretion of the mediator. Further, when mediation is pursued, all time limitations will be tolled as of the filing of the request for mediation with the Human Resources office and until such time as the mediation is completed. If agreement is not reached through mediation, the procedures outlined below may ensue.

    A "grievance" shall mean a complaint, made by a regular full-time or regular part-time employee, which alleges an unjust application, interpretation, or violation of the rules and regulations of the City or Department that:


    a specific administrative act was arbitrary or capricious and adversely affected the employee's then-existing terms or conditions of employment, and/or;


    involves improper discrimination or treatment prohibited by the Constitution of the United States and State of New Mexico, or federal and or state statutes, and/or;


    a violation of applicable City rules, regulations, or personnel policies which adversely affected the employee's then-existing terms or conditions of employment.

    For the purposes of this policy, an act is not arbitrary or capricious if the decision-maker exercised reasoned judgment.

    The following matters are not grievable:

    • lay-offs,

    • changes in policies and procedures,

    • performance evaluations,

    • transfers or promotions,

    • changes in duty stations or shifts,

    • all corrective actions,

    • levels of compensation, and/or,

    • other matters of inherent management rights, unless they are directly related or a direct consequence of a grievable matter.

    If a question arises with regard to whether an issue is a grievable matter the City Manager reserves the right to make that determination.

    Strict adherence to the procedures outlined below is mandatory for all concerned, except that time limits may be extended upon mutual agreement or good cause shown.

    Reasonable attempts will be made to resolve the grievance to the mutual satisfaction of the employee and the City.

    STEP 1: An employee must present a grievance in writing within seven (7) calendar days of its alleged occurrence or within seven (7) calendar days of when the employee should have reasonably known of the occurrence to the employee's immediate supervisor and Department Director, who shall attempt to resolve it within seven (7) calendar days after it is presented to them.

    STEP 2: If the employee is not satisfied with the decision of the Department Director, the employee must submit the grievance, in writing, to the City Manager's office within seven (7) calendar days of receipt of the Department Director's decision. This written notice shall include the following:


    Statement of the grievance and relevant facts.


    Specific remedy sought.


    Reasons for the dissatisfaction with Department Director's decision.

    Note: Issues not presented to the Department Director will not be considered in an appeal to the City Manager. If the grievance presented does not include the specified requirements in Step 2, A.-C., the grievance will be rejected.

    STEP 3: Within seven (7) calendar days of receipt of the employee's written grievance the City Manager shall schedule a hearing. The employee may be accompanied by another employee or union conferee. Such conferee must attain a release from their supervisor and will be considered in pay status during their regularly scheduled workday hours. The purpose of the hearing is for the employee to present any information pertinent to the grievance. The hearing will be recorded. The employee and Department Director may call witnesses to testify about information relevant to the grievance. Within seven (7) calendar days of the hearing the City Manager will provide the employee a written decision. The decision of the City Manager will be final and binding.

    Protection Against Retaliation—The City and its employees will not retaliate against any person who, in good faith, uses the grievance procedure.

(Ord. No. 1547 , 1-19-18)