§ 4-17. Classification of Positions  

Latest version.
  • All positions/classifications in the City's service shall be grouped into classes and each class shall include those positions sufficiently similar as to character of work, required performance, and level of responsibility, so that:


    An equivalent level of training, experience, knowledge, and ability, and other qualifications may be required of incumbents;


    Comparable tests of such qualifications may be used to select incumbents; and


    The same salary range will apply with equity under substantially equal working conditions; or


    Positions that are unusual for reasons such as market demand will be classified according to reasonable market standards.

    Position descriptions and job specifications shall be maintained by the Human Resource Office for all positions. Any changes to position descriptions must be submitted to Human Resources. Requests that result in a position's reclassification will require the City Manager's approval.

    The position descriptions should include: Job Title, Department, Division, FLSA Status, Effective Date, Summary of Position, Supervision Received, Supervision Exercised, Essential Functions, Other Duties, Minimum Qualifications, Special Requirements, Working Conditions, History Summary, Job Hazard Analysis, and Approval section.

    Reclassification Procedure

    Revision of position descriptions and re-allocations within the classification plan shall be made as often as is necessary to provide current information on positions and classes.

    It shall be the duty of the Human Resource office to examine the nature of all positions and to allocate them to existing or newly created classes, to make changes in the duties and responsibilities of existing positions.

    When a new position is requested by a Department Director or the duties of an old position are substantially changed, the Department Director shall submit a change request form and written recommendation to the Human Resource Office including justification for the reclassification, emphasizing changes in position responsibilities or requirements for qualifications (i.e., experience, education, certifications, etc.).

    The request will be reviewed by the Human Resource Office. The Human Resource Department will use a standardized method in reviewing new position descriptions or requests for changes to existing position descriptions. This method will value the position responsibilities, requirements and qualifications to accurately classify or reclassify the position.

    If the request is justified, the budget impact will be determined, and a recommendation will be made to the City Manager. The City Manager shall be the final decision-maker for all reclassification requests. If approved, the Human Resource Office will take the necessary steps to implement the reclassification. No reclassification involving an upgrade of salary that would overspend the authorized department budget will be approved without City Commission approval.

(Ord. No. 1547 , 1-19-18)