§ 4-19. Separation from Employment  

Latest version.
  • Voluntary Termination

    Should an employee decide to leave the City, we ask that he or she provide their supervisor with at least two (2) weeks, or four (4) weeks when retiring through PERA, advance written notice of departure. Thoughtfulness will be appreciated.

    Failure to comply with this policy may be cause for denying re-employment with the City.

    Where an employee resigns to avoid dismissal or other corrective action, the resignation may be accepted at the discretion of the Department Director with City Manager approval, and the employee will not be subject to rehire.


    Service retirement is voluntary termination after having satisfied the requirements of P.E.R.A. Retiring employees are requested to give the City at least four (4) weeks written notice prior to retirement date.

    Involuntary Termination

    This action is originated by the City and may be initiated for a variety of reasons to include, but not limited to:


    Termination during the probationary period.


    Termination for cause.



    Disability Retirement

    This is an involuntary termination that is necessitated by an injury or illness, which renders the employee incapable of performing his/her job duties. The retirement will be in accordance with P.E.R.A.


    Layoff is an involuntary termination of employment for lack of work, lack of funds, reclassification of positions, re-organization of the City's work force, elimination of positions or other changes that have taken place.

    The City Manager is responsible for administering the layoff or reduction in force.

    No regular full-time, non-probationary, employee shall be laid off involuntarily if there is a vacant position for which the employee is qualified. The City Manager is responsible for offering transfers or re-employment to employees facing layoff. Employees who accept another position are considered to have voluntarily transferred.

    The City will provide at least thirty (30) days advance notification prior to layoff, except in the case of an emergency.

    Employees with the least amount of seniority within their position shall be laid off first.

    Recall from Layoff

    Laid off employees shall be recalled for vacancies based on those who meet the minimum requirements of the vacant positions. Where applicable, employees who are equally qualified will be recalled by seniority. When an employee does not respond to the City's recall notice within seven (7) calendar days, the City's obligation to recall the employee shall cease. The City shall have no obligation to recall an employee after he or she has been on continuous layoff for a period that exceeds one (1) year.


    Employees who are absent from their job for one (1) shift or work day without notifying their supervisor are considered to have abandoned their job. The employee may apply for reinstatement directly to the City Manager. If the City Manager determines that the employee is to be reinstated, such time missed will be charged against the employee's accrued leave or leave without pay.

    Return of City Property

    All City property including, but not limited to: I.D. cards, laptop computer, keys, radios, tools, cell phones, City credit cards, uniforms, policy and procedure and/or rules and regulation manuals, etc., must be returned at separation. Employees also must return all of the City's confidential information upon separation. To the extent permitted by law, employees will be required to repay the City, (through payroll deduction, if lawful) for any lost or damaged City property.

    Any item that identifies a person as a City employee must be returned upon separation. This does not include employee appreciation gift items.

    Footwear and lifeguard uniforms are not required to be returned.

(Ord. No. 1547 , 1-19-18)