§ 6-1. Personal Leave
If regular full time employees are ineligible for any other City leave of absence, City of Alamogordo, under certain circumstances, may grant a personal leave of absence without pay. A written request for a personal leave should be presented to the Department Director at least two (2) weeks before the anticipated start of the leave. The Department Director will prepare a recommendation to the City Manager, through the Human Resources Department. The recommendation will include the reason for the request, the day it will start and expected day of return, and how it will impact department operations.
If personal leave is requested for medical reasons and employees are not eligible for leave under the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) or any state leave law, medical certification also must be submitted. The request will be considered on the basis of staffing requirements and the reasons for the requested leave, as well as performance and attendance records. Normally, personal leave will be granted for a period of up to twelve (12) weeks. However personal leave may be extended if, prior to the end of leave, employees submit a written request for an extension to management and the request is granted.
Employee's that are on approved personal leave:
Are not eligible to withdraw their PERA retirement benefits.
Will not earn leave benefits, during any duration of leave without pay (LWOP).
Are not eligible for holidays that fall during the period of LWOP.
Shall not use LWOP to work for another employer or pursue self-employment.
Are eligible to continue participation in the City's health insurance program provided the employee makes arrangements to pay the City the full insurance premium if LWOP exceeds two full pay periods.
Will be responsible for the employee and employer share of the premiums.
Shall be terminated if they fail to return on the day specified, unless an extension has been authorized in advance.
Employees must use all accumulated leave and comp-time prior to utilizing LWOP under this provision.
Are not eligible to participate in the donated leave provision.
Upon completion of the personal leave of absence, the City will attempt to return employees to their original job or a similar position, subject to prevailing business considerations. Reinstatement, unless FMLA qualified, is not guaranteed.
Failure to advise management of availability to return to work, failure to return to work when notified or a continued absence from work beyond the time approved by the City will be considered a voluntary resignation of employment.
(Ord. No. 1547 , 1-19-18)