§ 7-10. Punctuality and Attendance  

Latest version.
  • Employees are hired to perform important functions at City of Alamogordo. As with any group effort, operating effectively takes cooperation and commitment from everyone. Therefore, attendance and punctuality are very important. Unnecessary absences and lateness are expensive, disruptive and place an unfair burden on fellow employees and supervisors. We expect excellent attendance from all employees. Excessive absenteeism or tardiness will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.

    We do recognize, however, there are times when absences and tardiness cannot be avoided. In such cases, employees are responsible for notifying their supervisor, through the chain of command, at least one (1) hour before the beginning of their scheduled work period. Asking another employee, friend or relative to give this notice is improper and constitutes grounds for disciplinary action. Employees shall contact their supervisor, stating the reason for the absence and its expected duration, for every day of absenteeism. If the employee knows in advance that he or she will be unable to report, the employee shall seek the supervisor's approval prior to that date. It is essential to give notice as far in advance as possible so that the supervisor can make proper accommodations to provide the services that the department must provide.

    Individual departments may establish work rules requiring employees to call in with more than one (1) hour notice based on business necessity.

    In cases of a medical or other such emergency the City will accept a call from a friend or relative. The City will evaluate each instance on a case by case basis.

    See Section 4-19. Separation From Employment for job abandonment.

(Ord. No. 1547 , 1-19-18)