§ 7-12. Supplementary Employment  

Latest version.
  • The City shall be considered the primary employer for all regular employees. While the City does not prohibit employees from having a second job, secondary employment must not affect the employee's work hours, interfere or conflict with the employee's regular duties, raise any ethical concerns, or necessitate long hours that may impact the employee's working effectiveness.

    Employees that are contemplating secondary employment are required to submit a written request for approval, prior to engaging in secondary employment, to their Department Director. The written request should identify the secondary employer, the nature of the duties to be performed, and the anticipated hours the employee will be working. Supplementary employment will include in kind trade and bartering. This request will be promptly answered in writing and a copy placed in the employee's personnel file.

    Disclosures of supplementary employment shall be made in writing to the Human Resources Department before entering City employment, and during the month of January every year thereafter. Failure to disclose supplementary employment may result in corrective action.

    Employees who are receiving Worker's Compensation or benefits under the Family and Medical Leave Act will not be allowed to engage in outside employment except as allowed by law.

(Ord. No. 1547 , 1-19-18)