§ 7-7. Hiring Relatives/Employee Relationships  

Latest version.
  • It is the City's policy to avoid the practice or appearance of nepotism through family relations or fraternization in employment. In carrying out this policy, the following family relationship or relationship through fraternization exists between the employees, and either employee:


    would have the authority to appoint, remove, correct the action of, evaluate the performance of, or recommend any employment actions or conditions of employment of the other;


    is asked to participate in a selection process where another has applied for a position; and/or


    is under other circumstances which would place the employees in a situation of actual or reasonably foreseeable conflict between the City's interest and their own.

    Should any of the relationships afore-mentioned exist, the employee shall advise their immediate supervisor and immediately withdraw from any conflicting action or processes.

    While the City of Alamogordo encourages amicable relationships between members of management and their subordinates, or among members of the same department, it recognizes that involvement in a romantic relationship may compromise or create a perception that compromises an employee's ability to perform his or her job. Any involvement of a romantic nature between a supervisor and anyone he or she supervises, either directly or indirectly, is prohibited.

    Any employee in a relationship that may cause the practice or appearance of nepotism in employment shall disclose the relationship in writing to their immediate supervisor immediately. Parties in such relationships may be reassigned at the discretion of the City Manager.

    Violations of this policy may result in corrective action up to and including termination.

    Immediate Relatives—Includes spouse, child, parent, sibling, grandparent, grandchildren, in-laws, and step and half relatives of the same. This definition shall also include persons related by blood or marriage residing in an employee's home and to persons who have established a relationship by other operation of law or through lifestyle accommodations being equivalent of a marriage or family relationship.

(Ord. No. 1547 , 1-19-18)