§ 8-4. Request for Early Release of Payroll Check

Latest version.


    Date of Request:

    Employee Name:

    Payroll Period:

    Scheduled Pay Date:

    Early Payment Date Requested:


    Employee Signature                 Date

    Department Approval:

    I am authorizing that the aforementioned employee is given his or her payroll check early as indicated above, and that said payment is not an advance payment of services not rendered as prohibited by Section 30-23-2 NMSA1978.

    Department Director

    Finance Director

    City Manager




    I am acknowledging that the payroll department is able to release the check requested by

    (if not by the date requested, explain why)

    Accounting Manager


    CC: Personnel File

    General Handbook Acknowledgment

    This Employee manual is an important document intended to help you become acquainted with City of Alamogordo. This document is intended to provide guidelines and general descriptions only; it is not the final word in all cases. Individual circumstances may call for individual attention.

    Because the City's operations may change, the contents of this manual may be changed at any time, with or without notice, in an individual case or generally, at the sole discretion of management.

    Please read the following statements and sign below to indicate your receipt and acknowledgment of this Employee manual.

    The key provisions of this manual have been reviewed with me and I acknowledge my responsibility to know all provisions included in this manual. I understand that the policies, rules and benefits described in it are subject to change at the sole discretion of the City at any time.

    I understand that my signature below indicates that I have been made aware that the City's Employee manual is available on the City's website at ci.alamogordo.nm.us . Contact Human Resources or Legal for any questions regarding this manual.

    Employee's Printed Name: ____________________________ Position:

    Employee's Signature: ________________________________ Date:

    The signed original copy of this acknowledgment will be filed in your personnel file.

    Receipt of Sexual Harassment Policy

    It is City of Alamogordo's policy to prohibit harassment of any employee by any supervisor, employee, citizen or vendor on the basis of sex or gender. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all City employees are free from sexual harassment. While it is not easy to define precisely what types of conduct could constitute sexual harassment, examples of prohibited behavior include unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, obscene gestures, displaying sexually graphic magazines, calendars or posters, sending sexually explicit e-mails, text messages and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, such as uninvited touching of a sexual nature or sexually related comments. Depending upon the circumstances, improper conduct also can include sexual joking, vulgar or offensive conversation or jokes, commenting about an employee's physical appearance, conversation about your own or someone else's sex life, or teasing or other conduct directed toward a person because of his or her gender which is sufficiently severe or pervasive to create an unprofessional and hostile working environment.

    If the employee feels that he or she has been subjected to conduct which violates this policy, the employee should immediately report the matter to the employee's supervisor. If unable for any reason to contact this person, or if the employee has not received a response within five (5) business days after reporting any incident of perceived harassment, the employee should contact the Human Resources Office. Human Resources will consult with the Department Director. If the person toward whom the complaint is directed is one of the individuals indicated above, the employee should contact the City Attorney's Office or the City Manager's Office. Every report of perceived harassment will be investigated. Corrective action will be taken where appropriate. All complaints will be kept confidential to the extent possible, but confidentiality cannot be guaranteed.

    In addition, the City will not allow any form of retaliation against individuals who report unwelcome conduct to management or who cooperate in the investigations of such reports in accordance with this policy. If an employee feels that he or she has been subjected to any such retaliation, the employee should report it in the same manner in which a claim of perceived harassment would be reported under this policy. Violation of this policy including any improper retaliatory conduct will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

    I have read and I understand City of Alamogordo's Sexual Harassment Policy.

    Employee's Printed Name: ______________________________ Position:

    Employee's Signature: _________________________________ Date:

    The signed original copy of this receipt will be filed in your personnel file.

    Receipt of Harassment Policy

    It is City of Alamogordo's policy to prohibit intentional and unintentional harassment of any individual by another person on the basis of any protected classification including, but not limited to, race, color, national origin, disability, religion, marital status, veteran status, sexual orientation or age. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that no one harasses another individual.

    If an employee feels that he or she has been subjected to conduct which violates this policy, he or she should immediately report the matter to the employee's supervisor. If the employee is unable for any reason to contact this person, or if the employee has not received a response within five (5) business days after reporting any incident of what the employee perceives to be harassment, the employee should contact the Human Resources Office. Human Resources will consult with the Department Director. If the person toward whom the complaint is directed is one of the individuals indicated above, the employee should contact the City Attorney's Office or the City Manager's Office. Every report of perceived harassment will be investigated. Corrective action will be taken where appropriate. All complaints will be kept confidential to the extent possible, but confidentiality cannot be guaranteed.

    In addition, the City will not allow any form of retaliation against individuals who report unwelcome conduct to management or who cooperate in the investigations of such reports in accordance with this policy. If an employee feels he or she has been subjected to any such retaliation, he or she should report it in the same manner in which the employee would report a claim of perceived harassment under this policy. Violation of this policy including any improper retaliatory conduct will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

    I have read and I understand City of Alamogordo's Non-Harassment Policy.

    Employee's Printed Name: ______________________________ Position:

    Employee's Signature: _________________________________ Date:

    The signed original copy of this receipt will be filed in your personnel file.

    Receipt of Anti-Bullying Policy

    City of Alamogordo prohibits any form of bullying. Bullying is an act of aggression causing embarrassment, pain, or discomfort to someone. It can take a number of forms including, but not limited to; physical, verbal, making gestures, or exclusion. It may be an abuse of power. It can be planned and organized, or it may be unintentional. It may be perpetrated by individuals or by groups of individuals.

    The City is opposed to bullying and it will not be tolerated. If an employee feels that he or she has been subject to conduct in the workplace which violates this policy, he or she should immediately report the matter to the employee's supervisor. If the employee is unable for any reason to contact this person, or if the employee has not received a response within five (5) business days after reporting any incident of what the employee perceives to be bullying, the employee should contact the Human Resources Office. Human Resources will consult with the Department Director. If the person toward whom the complaint is directed is one of the individuals indicated above, the employee should contact the City Attorney's Office or the City Manager's Office.

    I have read and I understand City of Alamogordo's Anti-Bullying Policy.

    Employee's Printed Name: ____________________________ Position:

    Employee's Signature: _______________________________ Date:

    The signed original copy of this receipt will be filed in your personnel file.

(Ord. No. 1547 , 1-19-18)