§ 14-01-030. Garbage and refuse; precollection practices.
Garbage and refuse shall be placed and maintained in containers of a type approved by the code enforcement officer.
No person shall burn refuse unless it is burned in an incinerator approved by the code enforcement officer. These containers shall be separate and apart from containers used for depositing garbage and refuse.
It shall be the responsibility of all persons to dismantle and/or flatten all boxes or packing crates, regardless of construction, and to bundle all tree clippings, before placing the same in garbage containers.
The following items of solid waste shall not be placed in regular collection containers, and the producers of such solid waste will be required to individually contract with the contractor or hauler for the disposal of such solid waste: Poisons, acids, caustics, chemicals, explosives, waste contaminated by infectious diseases, radioactive waste, dead animals, live pests, rocks, sand, dirt, concrete, bricks and building materials.
Garbage disposed of in containers provided by the contractor shall be first deposited in closed flyproof containers.
Motor oil and similar liquid material shall be disposed of only in sealed containers, or by arrangement with the contractor or a hauler. All such disposal shall be done in accordance with environmental protection agency standards.
(Ord. No. 700, § 2, 9-24-85)