§ 17-07-030. Same—Application; issuance or denial; appeal from denial; qualifications of applicant; examination; examination fee.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Any person desiring a license required by section 17-07-020 shall make application to the director of public safety of the city for a license to perform the duties of a special policeman or private detective or to operate a special police agency or private detective agency, either as an employee or as an owner and/or operator.


    The director shall accept applications and recommend issuance or rejection of such license within thirty (30) days to the city manager. If application for such license is rejected by the city manager, applicant may appeal to the city commission.


    Such applicant shall possess the following qualifications: He shall be an American citizen, twenty-one (21) or more years of age and be of good moral character. No person having been convicted of a felony or any offense involving moral turpitude, or dismissed for cause involving reprehensible conduct as a police officer by any law enforcement agency, within the past ten (10) years, shall be appointed as such special policeman or private detective, nor shall he be permitted to operate a special police agency or private detective agency.


    Such applicant shall present himself to the director for examination as to his qualifications and shall well and truthfully answer all questions contained in such application, including his name and address and, in the case of a firm or corporation, the name and address of the president and secretary thereof, in the case of a partnership, the name and address of all the members thereof together with the trade name under which they intend to operate. The examination fee shall be three dollars ($3.00) and no part of such fee shall be refunded because of the failure of the applicant to qualify for a license. The director shall keep a record of all fees so received and shall pay the same to the city and be credited to the general fund of the city; provided, however, that, no fee shall be charged when the application for the appointment is made by the director of any city department of the city for service to be rendered the city.

(Code 1960, § 5-14-3)