§ 17-08-070. Regulations.  

Latest version.
  • The following regulations apply to solicitors engaged in solicitation activities and peddlers engaged in peddling, in the city:


    Solicitors and peddlers shall be allowed to conduct their activities only during daylight hours.


    No solicitor or peddler shall engage in solicitation or peddling activities regulated under this article on city-owned or controlled property without first procuring special authorization from the city manager.


    No person shall engage in solicitation or peddling activities in defiance of any notice exhibited by a resident or business indicating that solicitors and/or peddlers are not welcome or not invited.


    No person shall engage in solicitation or peddling activities in defiance of a clear indication by occupants of a residence or operators or owners of a business that solicitors are not welcome or are not invited. As used in this section, clear indication shall include but not be limited to posting of a notice on the property, verbal notice or, in the case of commercial solicitation activities, registration with the city on a roster kept by the city for the purpose of indicating those places where commercial solicitors are neither invited nor welcome. It shall be the duty of each commercial solicitor to be currently informed of all persons and/or addresses on the no solicitors/no peddlers roster.


    Every solicitor and peddler, whether required to be licensed or not, shall immediately furnish his name, organization and address to any person who requests or demands that information while the solicitor or peddler is conducting his/her activities.

(Ord. No. 784, § 3, 2-13-90; Ord. No. 1172, § 2, 3-25-03; Ord. No. 1173, § 7, 3-25-03)