§ 23-02-072. Revocation of license.
A person is required to obtain a license or registration as provided in this article and has violated any of the sections of this article or any other city ordinance relating thereto or whenever, in the judgment of the city manager, the public welfare shall require it, any license issued to such person by the city may be revoked.
Such license shall be revoked until the city clerk notifies the holder of the license in writing that the revocation is pending and will become final in thirty (30) days, unless the revocation is stayed by filing a request for a hearing with the city clerk to appeal the decision. The city commission will act as the board for hearing such license hearing appeals. If no appeal request is filed within the 30-day notification period, the revocation decision shall become final.
(Ord. No. 1376, § 2, 8-10-10)