§ 24-01-010. Schedule of penalty assessments.  

Latest version.
  • As used in the New Mexico Uniform Traffic Ordinance adopted by the city, "penalty assessment misdemeanor" means violation of the following listed sections of the New Mexico Uniform Traffic Ordinance, for which the listed penalty assessment is established:

    Speeding 24-12-6-1.2:


    Up to and including ten miles an hour over speed limit ..... $25.00


    From eleven up to and including fifteen miles an hour over speed limit ..... 40.00


    From sixteen up to and including twenty miles an hour over speed limit ..... 70.00


    From twenty-one up to and including twenty-five miles an hour over the speed limit ..... 110.00


    From twenty-six up to and including thirty miles an hour over the speed limit ..... 210.00


    From thirty-one and up to and including thirty-five miles an hour over the speed limit ..... 310.00


    More than thirty-five miles an hour over the speed limit ..... 410.00

    Speeding in construction zones 24-12-6-1.2 A. (4):


    Up to and including ten miles an hour over speed limit ..... 46.00


    From eleven up to and including fifteen miles an hour over speed limit ..... 76.00


    From sixteen up to and including twenty miles an hour over speed limit ..... 136.00


    From twenty-one up to and including twenty-five miles an hour over the speed limit ..... 216.00


    From twenty-six up to and including thirty miles an hour over the speed limit ..... 416.00


    More than thirty-one miles over the speed limit ..... 500.00

    School zones 24-12-6-2.7:


    Up to and including ten miles an hour over speed limit ..... 50.00


    From eleven up to and including nineteen miles an hour over speed limit ..... 65.00


    From 20 up to and including 30 miles an hour over the speed limit ..... 90.00

    Flashing signals 24-12-5-8 ..... 35.00

    Passing vehicles proceeding in opposite direction 24-12-6-2.2 ..... 35.00

    Limits on overtaking on the left 24-12-6-2.4 ..... 35.00

    Further limits on driving left of center 24-12-6-2.5 ..... 35.00

    When overtaking on right permitted 24-12-6-2.6 ..... 35.00

    No passing zones (incl. school zones) 24-12-6-2.7 ..... 35.00

    Driving on divided streets 24-12-6-2.14 ..... 35.00

    Vehicle entering stop/yield intersection 24-12-6-4.3 ..... 35.00

    Required position, method of turning 24-12-6-5.1 ..... 35.00

    Obedience to no U-turn signs 24-12-6-5.4 ..... 35.00

    Limitations on turning around 24-12-6-5.5 ..... 35.00

    Starting parked vehicle 24-12-6-5.7 ..... 35.00

    Stopping/standing parking 24-12-6-6.1 ..... 15.00

    Parking regulations 24-12-6-6.2 ..... 15.00

    Parking not to obstruct traffic 24-12-6-6.3 ..... 15.00

    Standing/parking on one-way streets 24-12-6-6.9 ..... 15.00

    Standing/parking on divided streets 24-12-6-6.10 ..... 15.00

    Stopping/standing/parking 24-12-6-6.11 ..... 15.00

    Angle parking 24-12-6-6.13 ..... 15.00

    Stopping for school buses 24-12-6-7.3 ..... 110.00

    Stop when traffic obstructed 24-12-6-7.2 ..... 35.00

    Eye protection or windshields 24-12-7-5 ..... 25.00

    School crossings 24-12-6-10 ..... 35.00

    Driving through safety zone 24-12-6-12.15 ..... 35.00

    Driving on sidewalk 24-12-6-12.17 ..... 35.00

    Unhitched trailer 24-12-6-13.3 ..... 10.00

    Child restraints 24-12-6-13.12 ..... 35.00

    Seat belts 24-12-6-13.13 ..... 35.00

    Pedestrians right-of-way 24-12-6-14.2 ..... 35.00

    Crossing at other than crosswalks 24-12-6-14.4 ..... 35.00

    Operating Motorcycles on Streets Laned for Traffic 24-12-7-2 ..... 35.00

    Carrying articles 24-12-8-6 ..... 35.00

    Dimming of lights 24-12-10-1.6 ..... 35.00

    Stop lamps 24-12-10-1.9 ..... 20.00

    Display current valid registration plate 24-12-10-4 ..... 25.00

    Evidence of registration 24-12-10-5 ..... 25.00

    Driving on streets laned for traffic 24-12-6-2.12 ..... 35.00

    Obedience to traffic control devices 24-12-5-3 ..... 35.00

    Open container of alcoholic beverage 24-12-6-13.14 ..... 85.00

    Operator to be licensed 24-12-6-12.5 ..... 55.00

    Careless driving 24-12-6-12.4 ..... 105.00

    Following too closely 24-12-6-2.13 ..... 35.00

    Basic rule 24-12-6-1.1 ..... 35.00

    Tail lamps required 24-12-10-1.7 ..... 20.00

    Permitting unauthorized person to drive 24-12-6-12.23 ..... 35.00

    Parking in alleys 24-12-6-6.4 ..... 10.00

    Parking for certain purposes 24-12.6-6.5 ..... 10.00

    Parking adjacent to schools 24-12-6-6.7 ..... 10.00

    Prohibited activities while driving 24-12-6-12.18 ..... 35.00

    Residential parking 24-13-010 ..... 10.00

    Stopping/standing/parking 24-12-6-6.1 and 24-12-6-6.11 ..... 10.00

    Unattended motor vehicle 24-12-6-12.8 ..... 35.00

    Unlawful riding 24-12-6-13.2 ..... 35.00

    Vehicle approach/entering intersection 24-12-6-4.1 ..... 35.00

    Vehicle to be in safe condition 24-12-10-1.12 ..... 35.00

    When lighted lamps are required 24-12-10-1.3 ..... 35.00

    Windshield to be unobstructed 24-12-10-1.2 ..... 35.00

    Drive on right side of street 24-12-6-2.1 ..... 35.00

    Emerging from alleyways/driveways 24-12-6-7.1 ..... 35.00

    Headlamps on motor vehicle 24-12-10-1.5 ..... 20.00

    Obedience to signs designate one-way streets 24-12-6-2.9 ..... 35.00

    Mufflers/prevention of noise 24-12-10-1.10 ..... 10.00

    Processions 24-12-6-12.20 ..... 35.00

    Limits on backing 24-12-6-12.9 ..... 35.00

    Vehicle turning left at intersection 24-12-6-4.2 ..... 35.00

    Turning and stopping movements and required signals 24-12-6-5.8 ..... 35.00

    Texting while driving 24-12-6-18—first violation ..... 25.00

    Second or subsequent violation ..... 50.00

    The penalty assessments shall be deposited in the city treasury.

(Ord. No. 1567 , 5-29-18)