§ 24-12-12-21. Liability for damage.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The public highways in the municipality are dedicated to the reasonable use thereof by the public.


    It shall be unlawful for any person to injure or damage any public street or any bridge, culvert, sign, signpost, or structure upon or used or constructed in connection with any public street for the protection thereof or for protection or regulation of traffic thereon by any unusual, improper or unreasonable use thereof, or by the careless driving or use of any vehicle thereon, or by willful mutilation, defacing or destruction thereof.


    It shall be considered unreasonable use of any bridge or structure to operate or conduct upon or over the same any vehicle, tractor or engine, not in accordance with Sections 66-7-401 through 66-7-416 NMSA 1978.


    It shall be considered unreasonable use of any improved roadway or street, to operate, drive or haul thereon any truck, tractor or engine in such manner or at times when the surface thereof is in a soft or plastic condition and the road or portion thereof has been closed pursuant to law, or by order of the administrator.


    It shall be unlawful to erect or maintain any fence or any other structure across any street, highway or roadway without written permit from the authorities having control thereof.


    The operator and the owner of such vehicle, truck, tractor or engine from whom the driver or operator has permitted possession at the time thereof shall be jointly and severally liable for the actual damage caused by the operation, conducting or hauling thereof over any public highway, street, bridge, culvert or structure in violation of any provision of this ordinance to be collected by suit brought in the name of this municipality and such vehicle, truck, tractor or engine may be attached and held to satisfy any judgment for such damages.


    The proceeds of any such judgment shall be paid to the treasurer of this municipality and placed to the credit of the fund for the construction and improvement of roads and streets.

(Ord. No. 1567 , 5-29-18)

State law reference

66-7-416 NMSA 1978.