§ 24-12-6-1.3. Establishment of speed zones.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Whenever the administrator determines, upon the basis of an engineering survey and traffic investigation, that any speed limit permitted under state law or local ordinance is greater or less than is reasonable or safe under the conditions found to exist upon any part of a street within his jurisdiction, he may declare a speed limit for that part which is effective at times determined, when appropriate signs giving notice thereof are erected at the particular part of the street.


    Alteration of speed limits on state highways by the administrator are not effective until approved by the state highway commission.


    The administrator shall adhere to and abide by all applicable state statutes in making his determination of speed limits in the municipality.


    Whenever the administrator declares a speed limit, he shall submit a schedule of the speed limit to the police department, the municipal judge, the municipal clerk and the municipal attorney.(*)


    Speed zones may be marked by a sign containing a flashing yellow light and, when the light is in operation, the speed limit, instructions or regulations on the sign are in effect.


    The provisions of Subsection A of this section shall not apply to changes of speed limit in construction zones authorized pursuant to 12-6-1.3 G through K of this section.


    When construction, repair or reconstruction of any street or highway is being done, the administrator or other governmental authority with jurisdiction over that street or highway is authorized to designate as a construction zone that portion of the street or highway where construction, reconstruction or repair is being done and to close the construction zone to traffic or to provide for a single lane of traffic on any two-lane or four-lane highway in the construction zone.


    The administrator or other governmental authority closing all or a portion of a street or highway or providing for a single lane of traffic on any two-lane or four-lane street or highway pursuant to Subsection G of this section shall erect or cause to be erected traffic-control devices or barricades to warn and notify the public of any change in speed limit and that such street or highway is closed or limited to a single lane of traffic.


    Every pedestrian or person who operates a vehicle on any street or highway shall obey all signs, signals, markings, flagmen or other traffic-control devices which are placed to regulate, control and guide traffic through a construction zone.


    No person shall remove, change, modify, deface or alter any traffic-control device or barricade which has been erected on any street or highway pursuant to this section.


    Any person who violates any provision of Subsection I or J of this section is guilty of a petty misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be sentenced in accordance with this code.

(Ord. No. 1567 , 5-29-18)

State law reference

66-7-303 and 66-7-303.1 NMSA 1978.