§ 24-12-10-1.27. Mounting of reflectors, clearance lamps and side-marker lamps.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Reflectors required by Section 12-10-1.20 and 12-10-1.21 of this ordinance shall be mounted upon the motor vehicle at a height of not less than twenty-four inches nor more than sixty inches above the ground on which the motor vehicle stands, except that reflectors shall be mounted as high as practicable on motor vehicles which are so constructed as to make compliance with the twenty-four-inch requirements impractical. They shall be so installed as to perform their function adequately and reliably and, except for temporary reflectors required for vehicles in driveaway-towaway operations, all reflectors shall be permanently and securely mounted in workmanlike manner so as to provide the maximum of stability, and the minimum likelihood of damage. Required reflectors otherwise properly mounted may be securely installed with flexible strapping or belting provided that under conditions of normal operation they reflect light in the required directions. Required temporary reflectors mounted on motor vehicles during the time they are in transit in any driveaway-towaway operations must be firmly attached.


    All reflectors on the rear and those nearest to the rear on the sides, except those referred to in Subsection C of this section, shall reflect a red color; all other reflectors, except those referred to in Subsection C of this section, shall reflect an amber color; provided that this requirement shall not be construed to prohibit the use of motor vehicles in combination if such motor vehicles are severally equipped with reflectors as required by Section 12-10-1.20 through 12-10-1.26 of this ordinance.


    Retroreflective surface, other than required reflectors, may be used, provided:


    designs do not resemble traffic control signs, lights or devices, except that straight edge stripping resembling a barricade pattern may be used;


    designs do not tend to distort the length or width of the motor vehicle;


    such surfaces shall be at least three inches from any required lamp or reflector unless of the same color as such lamp or reflector;


    no red color shall be used on the front of any motor vehicle; and


    no provision of this subsection shall be so construed as to prohibit the use of retroreflective registration plates required by any state or local authorities.

(Ord. No. 1567 , 5-29-18)

State law reference

66-3-816 NMSA 1978.