§ 24-12-10-1.49. Non-emergency signals—Stopped or parked vehicles.  

Latest version.
  • Whenever for any cause other than disablement or necessary traffic stops, any motor vehicle is stopped upon the traveled portion of any street, or shoulder thereof, during the time lights are required, except where there is sufficient street lighting to make clearly discernible persons and vehicles on the street at a distance of five hundred feet, the following requirements shall be observed:


    The driver of such vehicle shall immediately place on the traveled portion of the street at the traffic side of the vehicle, a lighted fuse and lighted red electric lantern, or a red emergency reflector.


    If the stop is to exceed ten minutes, the driver shall place emergency signals as required and in the manner prescribed by Section 12-10-1.48 of this ordinance.

(Ord. No. 1567 , 5-29-18)

State law reference

66-3-854 NMSA 1978.