§ 24-12-10-1.6. Dimming of lights.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Whenever a motor vehicle meets another motor vehicle on any street during nighttime when headlights are in use, the driver of the vehicle shall, when within 500 feet of the other vehicle, dim or tilt the beams of the headlights downward.


    The driver of any motor vehicle in any business district at nighttime when headlights are required shall keep headlights dimmed.


    Whenever the driver of a motor vehicle overtakes another vehicle proceeding in the same direction or follows another vehicle proceeding in the same direction or follows another vehicle proceeding in the same direction within 200 feet at nighttime when headlights are required, the driver shall dim or tilt the beam of the headlights downward.(*)

(Ord. No. 1567 , 5-29-18)