§ 24-12-10-2. Transporting or handling explosives or dangerous articles.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Any person operating any vehicle transporting explosives or other dangerous articles, as defined in the New Mexico Motor Vehicle Code, as cargo upon a street shall comply with the provisions of Sections 66-3-858 through 66-3-873 NMSA 1978 with respect to marking of vehicles.


    No motor vehicle transporting any explosive or any other dangerous article shall be left unattended upon any street in any residence or business district except when the driver is engaged in the performance of normal operations incident to his duties as an operator of the vehicle to which he is assigned; provided, however, the chief of police may except any street in any business district from the operation of this subsection.


    Drivers of motor vehicles transporting explosives, inflammable liquids, or inflammable, noxious or toxic compressed gasses in cargo tanks, shall avoid, so far as practicable, driving into or through congested streets, places where crowds are assembled and dangerous crossings. So far as practicable this shall be accomplished by prearrangement of routes.


    No blasting caps or other materials designed and used for detonating charges or explosives may be transported in or on a vehicle with any explosive.(*)


    The administrator shall enforce such rules and regulations adopted and promulgated by the director with respect to the transportation of compressed gasses and corrosive liquids by tank vehicle upon the public street.

(Ord. No. 1567 , 5-29-18)

State law reference

66-3-858 and 66-3-873 NMSA 1978.