§ 28-02-100. Service charge—Charges.  

Latest version.
  • The city shall charge and collect from all users of the sanitary sewage system, for the use thereof, a monthly service charge. Said charge is composed of two (2) components: a customer charge, and a commodity charge, both of which are calculated in the manner specified below:


    Effective the first billing cycle as noted below:


    Customer charges: For each property to which sewer service is available from the city, the monthly customer charge shall be as follows:

    Effective July 1, 2014:

    Meter Size
    Customer Charge
    <1 $ 13.60
    1   19.15
    2   47.20
    3  161.70
    4  209.50
    6  320.25


    Effective July 1, 2015:

    Meter Size
    Customer Charge
    <1 $ 13.60
    1   19.15
    2   47.20
    3  161.70
    4  209.50
    6  320.25



    Commodity charge: Effective the first billing cycle after July 1, 2014, the commodity charge shall be one dollar and fifteen cents ($1.15) for each one hundred (100) cubic feet of water used per month as follows: Effective the first billing cycle after July 1, 2015, the commodity charge shall be one dollar and fifteen cents ($1.15) for each one hundred (100) cubic feet of water used per month as follows:


    For residential and multi-unit dwellings with not more than four (4) units, the monthly usage will be calculated by taking the average use during the two (2) consecutive billing cycles between November 15 and February 15 times nine-tenths (0.90). This average will be applied for the following twelve (12) months and will be adjusted annually based upon the actual usage in the preceding year.


    For all other types of users, the monthly charge shall be calculated by taking the amount of water used in each month times nine-tenths (0.90).


    Water accounts which are used exclusively for irrigation purposes shall not be charged any fee under this section.


    The city manager may, upon being presented proof that nine-tenths (0.90) of the water consumed by a business does not enter the sanitary sewer system, nor being deposited upon any public property, enter into an agreement with that party to reduce the monthly charge below nine-tenths (0.90) of the water. Such agreements must be approved by the staff before becoming effective.


    Septage charge: Users of the city sanitary sewer system who introduce hauled wastes (as defined by section 28-02-140) into the city system shall pay a charge of twenty cents ($0.20) per gallon of hauled wastes dumped. Said charges shall be payable monthly.


    Users outside the city limits: For all users of the city sanitary sewer system who are located outside the city limits, the rate shall be two (2) times the rates specified above.

    Thereafter, on February 1 of each year, the charge/rate shall be increased by the percentage change in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) for the U.S. city average for the month of June (Index base period: December 1996=100), unless said charge/rate is modified by subsequent resolution.

    The city manager shall review the above rates annually and make recommendations for any changes to the city commission in conjunction with the submission of the annual budget. Any changes shall be implemented by a duly approved ordinance setting forth the amended rates.

(Code 1960, § 9-9-7; Ord. No. 594, § 1, 8-21-79; Ord. No. 598, § 2, 12-1-79; Ord. No. 615-80, § 1, 11-11-80; Ord. No. 649-82, § 12-14-82; Ord. No. 654, 6-14-83; Ord. No. 913, 6-14-94; Ord. No. 939, 3-13-95; Ord. No. 964, § 1, 11-14-95; Ord. No. 1010, 4-8-97; Ord. No. 1034, 6-9-98; Ord. No. 1059, § 1, 4-13-99; Ord. No. 1089, § 1, 4-11-00; Ord. No. 1107, 11-14-00; Ord. No. 1130, 12-11-01; Ord. No. 1168, § 2, 12-19-02; Ord. No. 1199, § 2, 4-13-04; Ord. No. 1224, § 1, 11-23-04; Ord. No. 1288, § 1, 1-9-07; Ord. No. 1348, § 1, 12-16-08; Ord. No. 1392, § 1, 1-11-11; Ord. No. 1431, § 1, 1-22-13; Ord. No. 1459, § 1, 1-14-14; Ord. No. 1467, § 1, 6-10-14; Ord. No. 1506 , § 4, 12-15-15)