§ 28-02-270. Same—Assessment of charges—Industrial wastes.  

Latest version.
  • A

    charge will be assessed against persons discharging industrial liquid wastes which are of a greater strength and volume than normal, untreated domestic wastewater. Normal, untreated domestic wastewater is defined as having a maximum yearly average biochemical oxygen demand and chemical oxygen demand not in excess of two hundred (200) milligrams per liter and four hundred (400) milligrams per liter, respectively. The same sewage is considered to contain settleable solids not in excess of five (5.0) milliliters per liter. The annual industrial charge will be the largest volume which results from application of the following mathematical relationships:

    IC + A + (K) (V) 1 + a(SS - 5)
    + b(BOD - 200)



    IC + A + (K) (V) 1 + a(SS - 5)
    + b(BOD - 200)



    IC = Industrial charge, dollars per year

    V = Volume discharge, gallons per year

    SS = Settleable solids of a given industrial waste, ml/l

    a = 0.35 that percentage of the total cost which is attributable to settleable solids removal

    b = 0.65 that percentage of the total cost which is attributable to either chemical oxygen demand removal or biochemical oxygen demand removal

    A = Basic annual charge levied for being connected; whether or not sewage or other wastewaters are being discharged to the system, shall be sixty dollars ($60.00) per year

    K = Annual charge per unit volume of waste, six hundred eighty dollars ($680.00) per million gallons

    COD = Chemical oxygen demand of a waste, mg/l

    BOD = Biochemical oxygen demand of a waste, mg/l

    If settleable solids concentration is less than 5 ml/l, chemical oxygen demand is less than 400 mg/l, and biochemical oxygen demand is less than 200 mg/l, the charge shall be based on volume alone, and the following formula shall apply:

    IC = A + (K) (V)

    where the terms are as defined above.

(Code 1960, § 8-9-15; Ord. No. 477, 5-2-72)