§ 29-01-110. White Sands beautification committee.

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Designation. There is hereby created a White Sands Boulevard review board, which shall be referred to as the "White Sands beautification committee," which will be responsible for reviewing and approving improvement projects within the White Sands district that require demolition, building, and sign permits, and that make modifications to the exterior appearance of buildings, signage, landscaping and parking. In order to insure compliance with the design standards and guidelines adopted for the White Sands district.


    Delegation. The governing body and the planning commission hereby delegate their authority to the White Sands beautification committee as described in this section, except those powers retained by the governing body and the planning commission in the Alamogordo Municipal Code.


    Powers and duties. The White Sands beautification committee, will meet on a regular basis as directed by the chair, but in no event will meetings be conducted less frequently than quarterly, unless there are no agenda items, and at such other times as the chair may determine, shall have the powers and duties specified in this section:


    To study and investigate the White Sands corridor, for the purpose of the formulation of a master plan, and shall make such surveys as it deems necessary for the formulation of such a master plan for the city; and in this connection the White Sands beautification committee shall have power and authority to hold public hearings for the formulation of such master plan;


    Propose amendments to regulations governing the White Sands district;


    Review current ordinances applicable to master plan and intent of white sands beautification committee and recommend additions, changes, or deletions, in part or whole, with the goal to streamline regulatory guidance and improve process efficiency;


    Advise and assist officials, committees and commissions of the municipal government in making recommendations to the governing body relating to the White Sands corridor;


    Perform other acts as requested by the governing body; provided that such acts relate specifically to this section;


    Apply for, accept, administer and comply with the requirements regarding an appropriation of funds or a gift, grant or donation of property or money:


    Develop funding programs for the improvement of the exterior appearance of properties in the district through grants or loans;


    Fund the rehabilitation of properties in the district, but only as may be specifically approved by the city commission in a plan and budget; and


    Undertake improvements designed to increase the safety or attractiveness of the district to businesses which may wish to locate there or to visitors to the district, including, but not limited to, litter cleanup and control, and landscaping.


    Membership and appointment.


    Composition and membership. The White Sands beautification committee shall consist of:


    Six (6) members appointed by the city commissioners with each commissioner appointing one (1) member;


    A committee chair appointed by the city's mayor; and


    The chair of the city's planning and zoning commission.


    Term. The six (6) members appointed by the city commissioners shall serve two-year overlapping terms with three (3) members serving a two-year term and three (3) members serving a three-year term. The chairperson of the planning and zoning commission shall serve during the period he or she occupies the position of chair of the planning and zoning commission as an ex-officio, or non-voting, member. Members shall serve until their successors have been appointed and qualified. These terms are for initial implementation; thereafter, each of the six (6) members shall serve a two-year term. The committee chair shall serve a three (3) year term. Members and the committee chair may be reappointed.


    Adoption of bylaws. The committee may adopt its own bylaws.


    Ad hoc subcommittees


    Delegation. The committee may delegate its authority to ad hoc subcommittees as specifically provided in this article, except for those powers retained by the governing body, the planning commission and the committee.


    Powers and duties. Ad hoc subcommittees shall gather information for, make recommendations to, and otherwise assist the White Sands beautification committee in accomplishing its powers and duties, as the committee deems appropriate.


    Staff support. The objective and thrust of the beautification committee is to function as a citizen-based, grassroots effort that is independent of regular staff involvement. However, at the request of the chair, the planning and zoning department will have primary and lead responsibility for coordinating with the chair of the beautification committee on an as-needed basis. Staff support can also be accessed by the chair through contacts with the city manager.

(Ord. No. 1532 , § 2, 12-6-16; Ord. No. 1559 , § 2, 4-3-17)