§ 2-13-130. Qualification-based proposals.  

Latest version.
  • Requests for qualification based proposals are required for services of architects or engineers for local public works projects involving an amount exceeding sixty thousand dollars ($60,000.00 or surveyors and landscape architects involving an amount exceeding ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00).


    For each proposed public works project where design or other related work shall not be performed by city community development staff, a selection committee shall evaluate statements of qualifications and performance data submitted in regard to the particular project and may conduct interviews with and may require public presentation by businesses applying for selection regarding their qualifications, their approach to the project and their ability to furnish the required services.


    The selection committee shall rank the businesses deemed to be the most highly qualified to perform the required services, after considering the following criteria together with any criteria, except price, established by using agency authorizing the project:


    Specialized design and technical competence of the business, including a joint venture or association, regarding the type of services required;


    Capacity and capability of the business to perform the work, including any specialized services, within the time limitations;


    Past record of performance on contracts with government agencies or private industry with respect to such factors as control of costs, quality of work and ability to meet schedules;


    Proximity to or familiarity with this area;


    The volume of work done for the city which is not complete with respect to basic design or related services, with the objective of effecting an equitable distribution of contracts among qualified businesses; provided, however, that the principal of selection of the most highly qualified business is not violated.


    The names of all businesses submitting proposals and the names of all businesses, if any, selected for interview shall be public information. After an award has been made, final ranking and evaluation scores for all proposals shall become public information. Businesses which have not been selected shall be notified in writing.


    The city purchasing manager and/or other city staff members shall negotiate a contract with the highest qualified business at compensation determined in writing to be fair and reasonable. Should negotiations with the business considered to be the most qualified prove to be unsuccessful, negotiations with that business shall be formally terminated. Negotiations shall then be undertaken with the second most qualified business. Failing accord with the second most qualified business, negotiations with that business shall be formally terminated. Negotiations shall then be undertaken with the third most qualified business. Should negotiations prove unsuccessful with any of the businesses selected by the committee, additional businesses shall be ranked in order of their qualifications and negotiations shall proceed in accordance with this section until a contract is signed with a qualified business or the procurement process is terminated and a new request for proposals is initiated.


    All contracts between the city and an architect or engineer for the construction of public works projects shall contain the provision that all designs, drawings, specifications, notes, and other work developed in the performance of the contract are the sole property of the city.

(Ord. No. 1185, § 13, 6-22-04; Ord. No. 1273, § 7, 6-13-06; Ord. No. 1304, § 4, 7-24-07; Ord. No. 1546 , § 5, 11-13-17)