§ 2-13-360. Construction management at-risk multiphase selection procedure.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    A department seeking to use the construction management at-risk delivery system for a specific project shall submit a written report to the chief procurement officer stating the facts and considerations leading to the selection of this particular project delivery method. The chief procurement officer shall submit the proposed use to the city commission for approval. If the city commission determines that it is in the city's interest to use the construction manager at-risk on the project, the chief procurement officer shall form a selection committee of at least three (3) members with at least one (1) member being an architect or engineer. If the city contracts with an outside service provider for these services, the design/engineering professional or the related firm cannot later participate in submitting a proposal in any capacity to the request for qualifications. The selection committee shall develop an evaluation process, including a multiphase procedure consisting of two (2) or three (3) steps. A two-step procedure may be used when the total amount of money available for the project is less than one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) and shall include a request for qualifications and an interview. A three-step procedure shall consist of a request for qualifications, a request for competitive sealed proposals and an interview.


    A request for qualifications shall be published in accordance with section 13-1-104 NMSA 1978 and shall include at a minimum the following:


    A statement of the minimum qualifications for the construction manager at risk, including the requirements for:


    A contractor's license for the type of work to be performed, issued pursuant to the Construction Industries Licensing Act (chapter 60, article 13 NMSA 1978);


    Registration pursuant to section 13-4-13.1 NMSA 1978; and


    A minimum bond capacity;


    A statement of the scope of work to be performed, including:


    The location of the project and the total amount of money available for the project;


    A proposed schedule, including a deadline for submission of the statements of qualification;


    Specific project requirements and deliverables;


    The composition of the selection committee;


    A description of the process the selection committee shall use to evaluate qualifications;


    A proposed contract; and


    A detailed statement of the relationships and obligations of all parties, including the construction manager at risk, agents of the governing body, such as an architect or engineer, and the governing body;


    A verification of the maximum allowable construction cost; and


    A request for a proposal bond as required by section 13-1-146 NMSA 1978.


    The selection committee shall evaluate the statements of qualifications submitted and determine the offerors that qualify for the construction manager at risk. If the selection committee has chosen a three-step procedure, the committee shall issue a request for proposals to the offerors that qualify.


    If the selection committee has chosen a two-step procedure, the committee shall rank the persons that qualify based upon the statements of qualification and interview up to three (3) of the highest-ranked offerors.


    In a three-step procedure, the selection committee shall issue a request for proposals and evaluate the proposals pursuant to sections 13-1-112 through 13-1-117 NMSA 1978 except that:


    The request for proposals shall be sent only to those determined to be qualified pursuant to section 2-13-360(b)(3);


    The selection committee shall evaluate the proposals and conduct interviews with up to three (3) of the highest-ranked offerors instead of negotiating with responsible offerors found to be reasonably likely to be selected; and


    Pursuant to section 2-13-360(c), the contract award may be made after the interviews.


    After conducting interviews with the highest-ranked offerors and after considering the factors listed in section 2-13-360(d), the selection committee shall recommend to the governing body the offeror that will be most advantageous to the governing body. Should the governing body or designee be unable to negotiate a satisfactory contract with the offeror considered to be the most qualified at a price determined to be fair and reasonable, negotiations with that offeror shall be formally terminated. The governing body or designee shall then undertake negotiations with the second most qualified offeror. Failing accord with the second most qualified offeror, the governing body or designee shall formally terminate negotiations with the offeror. The governing body or designee shall then undertake negotiations with the third most qualified offeror. Should the governing body or designee be unable to negotiate a contract with any of the offerors selected by the committee, additional offerors shall be ranked in order of their qualifications and the governing body or designee shall continue negotiations in accordance with this section until a contract is signed with a qualified offeror or the procurement process is terminated and a new request for proposals is initiated.


    In evaluating and ranking statements of qualifications, proposals and results of interviews, and in the final recommendation of a construction manager at risk, the selection committee shall consider:


    The offeror's experience with construction of similar types of projects;


    The qualifications and experience of the offeror's personnel and consultants and the role of each in the project;


    The plan for management actions to be undertaken on the project, including services to be rendered in connection with safety and the safety plan for the project;


    The offeror's experience with the construction manager at risk method; and


    All other selection criteria, as stated in the request for qualifications and the request for proposals.


    Nothing in this section precludes the selection committee from recommending the termination of the selection procedure pursuant to section 2-13-380 and repeating the selection process pursuant to this section. Any material received by the selection committee in response to a solicitation that is terminated shall not be disclosed so as to be available to competing offerors.


    After a contract is awarded, the selection committee shall make the names of all offerors and the names of all offerors selected for interview available for public inspection along with the selection committee's final ranking and evaluation scores. Offerors who were interviewed but not selected for contract award shall be notified in writing within fifteen (15) days of the award.

(Ord. No. 1488 , § 2, 2-10-15)