§ 33-01-160. Design and construction requirements.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Grantee shall not construct any cable system facilities until Grantee has secured the necessary permits from Grantor, or other cognizant public agencies.


    In those areas of the city where transmission lines or distribution facilities of the public utilities providing telephone and electric power service are underground, the grantee likewise shall construct, operate and maintain any new transmission and distribution facilities therein underground.


    In those areas of the city where the grantee's cables are located on the above-ground transmission or distribution facilities of the public utility providing telephone or electric power service, and in the event that the facilities of both such public utilities subsequently are placed underground, then the grantee likewise shall reconstruct, operate and maintain its transmission and distribution facilities underground, at grantee's cost. Certain of grantee's equipment, such as pedestals, amplifiers and power supplies, which normally are placed above ground, may continue to remain in above-ground enclosures, unless otherwise provided in the franchise agreement.


    Any changes in or extensions of any poles, anchors, wires, cables, conduits, vaults, laterals or other fixtures and equipment (herein referred to as "structures"), or the construction of any additional structures, in, upon, along, across, under or over the streets, alleys and public ways shall be made under the direction of grantor's city engineer or a designee, who shall, if the proposed change, extension or construction conforms to the provisions hereof, issue written permits therefor. The height above public thoroughfares of all aerial wires shall conform to the requirements of the New Mexico Public Utilities Commission or other regulatory body having jurisdiction thereof.


    All transmission and distribution structures, lines and equipment erected by the grantee shall be located so as not to interfere with the proper use of streets, alleys and other public ways and places, and to cause minimum interference with the rights or reasonable convenience of property owners who adjoin any of the said streets, alleys or other public ways and places, and not to interfere with existing public utility installations.


    In the event that any property or improvement of the grantor in the public rights-of-way is disturbed or damaged by the grantee or any of its contractors, agents or employees in connection with undertaking any and all work pursuant to the right granted to the grantee pursuant to this chapter, the grantee shall promptly, at the grantee's sole cost and expense, restore as nearly as practicable to their former condition said property or improvement which was so disturbed or damaged, and in the event that any such property or improvement shall at any later time become uneven, unsettled or otherwise require restoration, repair or replacement because of such disturbance or damage by the grantee, then the grantee, as soon as reasonably possible, shall, promptly upon receipt of notice from the grantor and at the grantee's sole cost and expense, restore as nearly as practicable to their former condition said property or improvement which was disturbed or damaged. Any such restoration by the grantee shall be made in accordance with such materials and specifications as may, from time to time, be then provided for by grantor ordinance.


    Prior to commencing any work in the public rights-of-way, the grantee shall obtain any and all permits lawfully required by such grantor codes and ordinances of general application for such work. In the event that emergency work may be required by the grantee, however, the grantee shall obtain any and all such permits within three (3) working days after the beginning of such emergency work.


    There shall be no unreasonable or unnecessary obstruction of the public rights-of-way by the grantee in connection with any of the work herein provided for, and the grantee shall maintain such barriers, signs and warning signals during any such work performed on or about the public rights-of-way or adjacent thereto as may be necessary to reasonably avoid injury or damage to life and property.


    If at any time during the period of this franchise the grantor shall lawfully elect to alter or change the grade or location of any street, alley or other public rights-of-way, the grantee shall, upon reasonable notice by the grantor, remove, relay and relocate its poles, wires, cables, underground conduits, manholes and other fixtures at it own expense, and in each instance comply with the requirements of the grantor.


    The grantee shall not place poles, conduits or other fixtures above or below ground where the same will interfere with any gas, electric, telephone fixtures, water hydrants or other utility, and all such poles, conduits or other fixtures placed in any street shall be so placed as to comply with all ordinances of the grantor.


    The grantee may be required by the grantor to permit joint use of its property and appurtenances located in the streets, alleys or other public rights-of-way, by utilities insofar as such joint use may be reasonably practicable and upon payment of reasonable rental therefore; provided that in the absence of agreement regarding such joint use, the city commission shall provide for arbitration of the terms and conditions of such joint use and the compensation to be paid therefrom, which award shall be final.


    The grantee shall, on request of any person holding a moving permit issued by the grantor, temporarily move its wires or fixtures to permit the moving of buildings, the expense of such temporary removal to be paid, or at grantee's request, prepaid by the person requesting the same, and the grantee shall be given not less than forty-eight (48) hours advance notice to arrange for such temporary changes.


    In the event of multiple franchisees desiring to serve new residential developments in which the electric power and telephone utilities are underground, the following procedure shall apply with respect to access to and utilization of underground easements.


    The developer shall be responsible for contacting and surveying all franchised cable operators to ascertain which operators desire to provide cable television service to that development. The developer may establish a reasonable deadline to receive cable operator responses. The final development map shall indicate the cable operators that have agreed to serve the development.


    If one or two (2) cable operators wish to provide service, they shall be accommodated in the joint utilities trench on a nondiscriminatory shared cost basis. If fewer than two (2) operators indicate interest, the developer shall provide conduit to accommodate two (2) sets of cable television cables and dedicate to the city any initially unoccupied conduit. The developer shall be entitled to recover the costs of such initially unoccupied conduit in the event that grantor subsequently leases or sells occupancy or use rights to any grantee.


    The developer shall provide at least ten (10) working days notice of the date that utility trenches will be open to the cable operators that have agreed to serve the development. When the trenches are open, cable operators shall have two (2) working days to begin the installation of their cables, and five (5) working days after beginning installation to complete installation.


    The final development map shall not be approved until the developer submits evidence that:


    It has notified each grantee that underground utility trenches are to be open as of an estimated date, and that each grantee will be allowed access to such trenches, including trenches from proposed streets to individual homes or home sites, on specified nondiscriminatory terms and conditions; and


    It has received a written notification from each grantee that the grantee intends to install its facilities during the open trench period on the specified terms and conditions, or such other terms and conditions as are mutually agreeable to the developer and the grantee, or has received no reply from a grantee within ten (10) days after its notification to such grantee, in which case the grantee will be deemed to have waived its opportunity to install its facilities during the open trench period.


    Sharing the joint utilities trench shall be subject to compliance with state regulatory agency and utility standards. If such compliance is not possible, the developer shall provide a separate trench for the cable television cables, with the entire cost shared among the participating operators. With the concurrence of the developer, the affected utilities and the cable operators, alternative installation procedures, such as the use of deeper trenches, may be utilized, subject to applicable law.


    Any cable operator wishing to serve an area where the trenches have been closed shall be responsible for its own trenching and associated costs.


    In the event that more than one franchise is awarded, the City reserves the right to limit the number of drop cables per residence, or to require that the drop cable(s) be utilized only by the cable operator selected by the resident to provide service.


    The city reserves the right to grant an encroachment permit to a cable franchisee applicant to install conduit and/or cable in anticipation of the granting of a franchise. Such installations shall be at the applicant's risk, with no recourse against the city in the event the pending franchise application is not granted. The city may require an applicant to provide a separate trench for its conduit and/or cable, at the applicant's cost. The construction of such separate trench, if provided, shall be coordinated with, and subject to, the developer's overall construction schedule.

(Ord. No. 958, § 16, 10-24-95)