§ 7-05-020. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • For the purpose of this article, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.

    Feeding. Providing food to pigeons. Food may include, but is not limited to grain, seed, greens, breadcrumbs and other miscellaneous food scraps, including garbage not properly disposed of or contained.

    Linger. For purposes of this article, "linger" means to be slow in departing.

    Owner. That person holding the legal title to real property as shown by the records of the county assessor.

    Person. An individual, partnership, association, syndicate, company, firm, trust, corporation, or any other entity recognized by law.

    Pigeon. The common pigeon, Columba livia, also known as the rock dove or rock pigeon. For the purposes of this article, "pigeon" refers to any wild state (feral) pigeon, and does not include domestic pigeons used for recreation or show.

    Pigeon harborage. Any condition which provides shelter or protection for pigeons; thus, favoring their multiplication and continued inhabitance in, under, outside a structure or premise at a location where there exists a pigeon nuisance. Housing or shelter provided for injured or ill pigeons that are being rehabilitated is not considered pigeon harborage.

    Pigeon nuisance. The excessive congregation of pigeons at a location when such congregation of pigeons results in the accumulation of pigeon droppings or other pigeon related waste. In addition, the accumulation of pigeon excrement, nesting materials, pigeon carcasses and other pigeon related detritus that may be damaging to the property, pose a threat to public health and welfare or contribute to polluted stormwater runoff to the river.

    Property. Real property including buildings structures and land regardless of use for residential, commercial or other purposes.

    Responsible party. That person or those persons who hold that legal or equitable interest in real property which empowers them to take appropriate actions to abate a pigeon nuisance found to exist on that real property. This may include, but not be limited to, a person with ownership, condominium rights, time-share rights, leasehold rights or an easement, license, contractual right, and any right or obligation to manage or act as agent or trustee for any person holding any of the foregoing. The owner of real property shall be presumed to be the responsible party.

    Roost. For purposes of this article, "roost" is defined as settling down for rest or sleep.

(Ord. No. 1472, 8-25-14)