§ 8-08-050. Responsibilities and enforcement.  

Latest version.
  • It shall be the responsibility of the building code division, the public works department and to the utility billing division to administer and enforce the provisions of this article. Customers, certified backflow prevention assembly testers and repair persons are responsible for compliance as described in the following sections:


    Public works department. The public works department shall be responsible for the protection of the municipal water system from contamination or pollution due to the backflow of contaminants or pollutants through the water service connections. The public works department shall work in close concert with the building code division in locating possible violations and providing assistance as may be needed in the successful enforcement of this article. The public works department shall not knowingly install or maintain a water service connection unless the municipal water system is protected as required by this article.

    The public works department shall where possible ensure that a double check backflow prevention assembly is provided when any meter is being replaced by the city on any existing connection to the municipal water system, including all existing residential services. The public works department shall be responsible for the maintenance of all double check backflow prevention assemblies installed at the connection to the municipal water system except where responsibility for maintenance is otherwise specified within this article.


    Building code division. The building code division shall be responsible for reviewing and approving plans, issuing plumbing permits, and conducting inspections of backflow prevention assembly installations for new and remodeled structures within the jurisdictional limits of the division. The building code division's responsibilities begin at each service connection and extend throughout the entire length of the customer's water system.

    Building code division shall enforce the provisions of this article that relate to cross connection control by containment and shall administer a continuing cross connection control program.


    Utility billing division. After the effective date of this article the utility billing division shall not connect any new service without establishing, at a minimum, that a double check valve assembly is installed at the service connection.

    In the event that the utility billing division personnel become aware of any cross connection creating an actual or potential health hazard the utility billing division shall immediately notify the building code division of the location and hazard noted.


    Customer. All customers shall be responsible for the prevention of contaminants, items of potential health hazard, system hazard as defined within this article or water from auxiliary water supplies from entering the customer's water system within the premises and the municipal water system. Customers shall provide backflow prevention assembly(s) or air-gap(s) as required by the plumbing codes. The customer's responsibility begins at the service connection and extends throughout the entire length of the water system within the premises. Customers shall install, have tested, and maintain, at their own expense, backflow prevention assembly(s) and/or air-gap(s) as directed by the enforcement authority. Accurate records of all inspections, tests, repairs, overhauls and replacements of backflow prevention assembly(s) or air-gap(s) shall be maintained by the customer for a period of at least two (2) years.


    Certified backflow prevention assembly tester. Certified backflow prevention assembly testers shall inspect and test backflow prevention assemblies in accordance with city approved methods and procedures; shall be equipped with and be competent in the use of all the necessary tools and gauges required to properly conduct testing of backflow prevention assemblies; complete and submit accurate and timely reports to the building code division; and report to the customer and the enforcement authority any discovered discrepancies associated with an existing backflow prevention assembly or existing cross connection within a customer's water system.


    Certified backflow prevention assembly repair person. Certified backflow prevention assembly repair persons shall: make competent repairs on backflow prevention assemblies; not change the design, material or operation characteristics of a backflow prevention assembly without prior approval from the enforcement authority; complete and submit accurate and timely reports to the building code division; and report to the customer and the building code division any discovered discrepancies associated with an existing backflow prevention assembly or existing cross connections within the customer's water system.

(Ord. No. 1068, 12-14-99; Ord. No. 1321, § 41, 2-12-08)