§ 8-08-160. Other fees and charges.  

Latest version.
  • Other fees and charges may include but are not necessarily limited to the type shown within this section. Items not covered within this section will be charged for based on reasonable charges and existing charges for similar items as may be charged by the city.


    Regulation documents. All persons may obtain a copy of the regulations from the city for a fee not less than actual costs to reproduce the document.


    Technical specifications document. All persons may obtain copies of the technical specifications from the city for a fee of not less than the actual cost to reproduce the document.


    Application for alternative methods and materials. All persons filing an application for alternative methods and materials under section 8-08-170, shall include with said application a nonrefundable fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00) to cover costs incurred by the city in review of the alternate methods and materials proposed.

(Ord. No. 1068, 12-14-99; Ord. No. 1321, § 51, 2-12-08)