§ 3. Vacancies.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    A vacancy occurs upon an elected officer's death, recall, resignation, or, as to Commissioners, upon termination of residency in the district represented, or upon absence from Commission meetings for a consecutive period exceeding sixty (60) days, unless a majority of the remaining incumbent City Commissioners vote to retain the absent Commissioner or the absent Mayor for an additional sixty (60) days, which vote must take place at the next following regular meeting.


    A vacancy in the commission, including the office of Mayor, occurring after completion of one-half of that commissioner's term, shall be filled by appointment of the commission of a person qualified under Article V. In all other cases a special election must be called to fill the vacancy. The Commission must declare by resolution that a vacancy exists. The resolution declaring the vacancy must be adopted by the Commission within fifteen days of the vacancy. The Commission must appoint an eligible person by majority vote to fill the vacant office at the first regular meeting following the expiration of thirty days after the adoption of the resolution. If the Commission fails to make the appointment at that meeting, the Mayor must, within fifteen days, appoint an eligible person to fill the vacancy. The Commission may by ordinance establish the specific procedures for selecting an eligible person to fill a vacancy. The commissioner or mayor so appointed or elected shall serve for the remainder of the unexpired term for which the commissioner or mayor who vacated the position was elected.


    If the entire Commission is vacated simultaneously, the Municipal Judge shall perform the function of the Commission only as concerns the calling of a special election to fill the vacancies.


    Special elections shall be called at the next regular meeting after the occurrence of the vacancies, the date of special elections to be proclaimed in accordance with state law.

(Amd. of 3-7-00; Amd. of 3-2-10; Amd. of 3-6-12)