§ 1. Initiative.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Upon petition, signed by the qualified electors in a number no less than twenty (20) per cent of the average number of voters who voted at the previous four (4) regular City elections or no less than twenty (20) per cent of the number of voters who voted at the previous regular City election, whichever is the greater, any measure may be proposed to the Commission for enactment within thirty (30) days of the date of filing the petition. If the Commission: (1) fails to act, (2) acts adversely, or (3) amends the proposed measure, the Commission shall call a special election in not less than thirty (30) days nor more than sixty (60) days for the purpose of submitting the measure to the electorate.


    The ballot shall contain the proposed measure and the measure as amended, if the Commission amends the proposed measure. After each measure there shall be printed the words:

    "for" and


    with spaces for crosses after each word.


    The measure receiving a majority of the votes cast on that measure in its favor is adopted. If each measure receives a majority of votes cast on that measure in its favor, the measure receiving the greatest number of votes cast in its favor is adopted.