§ 7-16. Personal and Company-Provided Portable Communication Devices  

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  • City-provided portable communication devices (PCDs), including cell phones and personal digital assistants, should be used primarily for business purposes. Employees have no expectation of privacy in regard to the use of such devices, and all use is subject to monitoring, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law. This includes, as permitted, the right to monitor personal communications as necessary.

    Some employees may be authorized to use their own PCD for business purposes. These employees should work with the MIS department to configure their PCD for business use. Communications sent via a personal PCD also may be subject to monitoring if sent through the City's networks and the PCD must be provided for inspection and review upon request.

    All conversations, text messages and e-mails must be professional. When sending a text message or using a PCD for business purposes, whether it is a City-provided or personal device, employees must comply with applicable City guidelines, including policies on sexual harassment, discrimination, conduct, confidentiality, equipment use and operation of vehicles. Using a City-issued PCD to send or receive personal text messages is prohibited at all times.

    Please note that whether employees use their personal PCD or a City-issued device, the City's electronic communications policies, including but not limited to, proper use of communications and computer systems, remain in effect.

    Portable Communication Device Use While Driving

    Employees who drive on City business must abide by all state or local laws prohibiting or limiting PCD (cell phone or personal digital assistant) use while driving. Further, even if usage is lawful, employees must choose to refrain from using any PCD while driving. "Use" includes, but is not limited to, talking or listening to another person or sending an electronic or text message via the PCD.

    Employees who are charged with traffic violations resulting from the use of their PCDs while driving will be solely responsible for all liabilities that result from such actions.

    Texting and e-mailing while driving is prohibited in all circumstances.

(Ord. No. 1547 , 1-19-18)