§ 11-04-130. Gambling—Dealing in gambling devices prohibited.

Latest version.
  • (a)

    It shall be unlawful for any person to manufacture, transfer commercially, or possess with intent to transfer commercially any of the following:


    Anything which he knows evidences, purports to evidence, or is designed to evidence participation in gambling;


    Any device which he knows is designed exclusively for gambling purposes or anything which he knows is designed exclusively as a sub-assembly or essential part of such device. This includes, without limitation, gambling devices, numbers jars, punchboards and/or roulette wheels.


    Proof of possession of any device designed exclusively for gambling purposes which is not in a gambling place and is not set up for use is prima facie evidence of possession with intent to transfer.

(Code 1960, § 6-4-9)

State law reference

Similar provisions, N.M.S.A. § 30-19-4.