§ 11-05-010. Generally—Bombs prohibited.
§ 11-05-020. Generally—Abuse of privacy.
§ 11-05-030. Generally—Aiding escape.
§ 11-05-040. Generally—Accessory.
§ 11-05-050. Generally—Assault; battery.
§ 11-05-060. Generally—Public affray.
§ 11-05-070. Generally—Concealing identity.
§ 11-05-080. Generally—Disorderly conduct.
§ 11-05-090. Generally—Escape from custody of a peace officer.
§ 11-05-100. Generally—Escape from jail.
§ 11-05-110. Generally—False alarms.
§ 11-05-120. Generally—False reports or statements.
§ 11-05-130. Generally—Giving assistance to peace officers.
§ 11-05-140. Generally—Impersonating a peace officer.
§ 11-05-150. Generally—Intimidation of a witness.
§ 11-05-160. Generally—Malicious criminal prosecution.
§ 11-05-170. Generally—Malicious use of telephone.
§ 11-05-180. Generally—Perjury.
§ 11-05-190. Generally—Removal of barricades.
§ 11-05-200. Generally—Resisting or obstructing an officer.
§ 11-05-210. Generally—Tampering with evidence.
§ 11-05-220. Generally—Unauthorized use of vehicle signs.
§ 11-05-230. Generally—Unlawful assembly.
§ 11-05-240. Generally—Public nuisances.
§ 11-05-250. Failure to appear, pay, or comply; separate violation.
§ 11-05-260. Generally—Conduct offensive to public well-being.
§ 11-05-270. Generally—Unreasonable noise.
§ 11-05-280. Generally—Housing discrimination.
§ 11-05-290. Generally—Sale, use of glue, etc., restricted.
§ 11-05-300. Generally—Arrests without warrant in domestic violence situations; liability.
§ 11-05-310. Generally—Tampering with or damaging public utilities.
§ 11-05-320. Generally—Sale of tobacco products—Minors.
§ 11-05-330. Generally—Same—Use of mechanical, electronic or other devices.
§ 11-05-340. Weapons—Definitions.
§ 11-05-350. Reserved.
§ 11-05-360. Weapons—Negligent use of a deadly weapon.
§ 11-05-370. Weapons—Permits.
§ 11-05-380. Weapons—Unlawful possession, transfer or sale of weapons.